Pteromalus nspC

"Pteromalus vlugi m.s."
is mogelijk sp. indet. A in Graham 1959 couplet 51

Female.- dark greenish-olivaceous, metasoma bluish tinged in places. Antennae brown. Femora cocoloous with body, tibiae and tarsi testaceous, tibiae somewhat infuscate in middle. M, PM and ST yellowish, sC and stigma darker.
Length 3.2-3.6 mm
Head dorsally see 2.2 times broader than long, mouth: malar space=2.4-2.6, the latter about 0.4 times length of eye. LF 0.7-0.8 UF.
Antennae with scape 0.8 times length of eye, not reaching median ocellus, funicle not or hardly broadening distally, ped.+flag. 0.9 breadth of head, pedicellus about as long as F1, F1 1.1-1.3 times longer than broad, F2 subquadrate, F5 and F6 slightly transverse. Eyes 1.4 times longer than broad.
Mesosoma 0.9 breadth of head, 1.4-1.6 times longer than broad, pronotum 0.18-0.20 times as long as mesonotum, scutellum as long as broad. Propodeum 0.25-0.33 length of scutellum, median area 3 times as broad as long with distinct costula.
Forewings: hairrow on underside costal cell not interrupted, basal vein bare or with at most 2 setae, costal cell:pM: ST=100:41:29. Speculum bare.
Metasoma about twice as long as broad, 1.2 times head+mesosoma. Last tergite at most 1.1 times as long as basally broad.
Malesdiffer as follows: POL:OOL=2.0, mouth longer, about 3 times malar space, length of scape0.7 length of eye, pedicellus plusflagellum as long as breadth of head. Propodeum about 0.4 length of scutellum. Costal cell:M:pM:ST=100:41:48:37; basal vein with at least 4 setae, sometimes completely hairy' Costulae on propodeumless evident, panels of median area faintly reticulate.
Length 2.3-2.4 mm
Biology: reared in February from flowerheads of a Centaurea species, which were collected in September of the previous year near Vienna (Austria) by mr. H. Vlug.
I name this species in honour to mr. Vlug, who presented me with numerous interesting Chalcidoidea
Distribution: Austria, France, Greece, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland.