Pteromalus myopitae

Pteromalus myopitae (Graham, 1969)

Body black with rather weak metallic relections; mesosoma bronze, olive or dark bluishhead similar but tending most often towards dark bluish or olive; basal tergite of metasoma tinged with bronze, brassy or coppery. Antennae fuscous; scape more or less testaceous basally. Coxae, and femora except their tips, concolorous with mesosoma; tibiae mainly fuscous to black, their tips and bases testaceous. Tegulae black with a metallic tinge. Wings slightly greyish; venation testaceous to fuscous. Length 2.6-3.2 mm.
Head slightly broader than mesoscutum, in dosal view temples hardly one third as long as eyes. Eyes separated about 1.3 their length. Malar space hardly half as long as eye. Antennae inserted distinctly above level of ventral edge of an eye; scape about three quarters as length of an eye, teaching level of lower edge of median ocellus; length of pedicellus plus flagellum very slightly less than breadth of breadth of head; pedicellus 1.6-1.7 times as long as broad, as long as or slightly longer than F1; funicle slightly stouter than bedicellus , cylindrical or weakly clavate; F1 quadrate to 1.3 times longer than broad, distal segments quadrate , or F6 slightly transverse; clava hardly twice as long as broad; sensilla usualy in two irregular rows on proximal segments.
Propodeum about one thirdas long as scutellum; median area 2.25-2.5 times as broad as long, its panels shiny with some longitudinal costulae or coarse wrinkles, but with little fine reticulation; costula distinct, strongly angulate in the middle, where it nearly touche the base of propodeum; median carina usually absent, occasionally extending as far as nucha. Fore wing with lower surface of costal cell with one complete row of hairs, and some hairs scattered over distal third of cell; basal vein with some (up to six) hairs; specu;um open below, extending below M for at most half length f the latter. M 1.35-1.4 times as long as ST; PM at least very slightly shorter than M.
Metasoma lanceolate as long till 1.3 times as long as head plus mesosoma, 2.5-2.8 times as long as broad, somewhat compressed though usually a little narrower than mesosoma; last tergiteas long as or slightly longer than, its basal breadth; ovipositor sheaths distinctly excerted.

The female most closely resembles that of cardui (Erdoes), but differs in having the propodeum slightly longer, its median area less strongly transverse with tha costula distinctly angulate in the middle and less strong; also the longitudinal costulae situated in the panels of the median aea are less regular and usually do not reach the transverse costula.