Pteromalus discors

Pteromalus discors Graham, 1992., 117, f; Gijswijt, 1999: 171-172.

Holotype f, France: Lozère. Mont Aigoual, Col de Prat-Pierot, ca 1450 m, 5.vii.1977.

Head and mesosoma dark blue-green, metasoma blue-green with golden reflections in places,. Antennae fuscous, sensillae pale and conspicuous. Coxae and femora coloured like the body; trochanters and tibiae mainly fuscous; knees stripe on fore tibiae, tips of mid and hind tibiae testaceous, tarsi testaceous, darkening to fuscous at tips. Wings hyaline, venation brownish-testaceous.
Length 2.5-2.6 mm
Head in dorsal view 2.25-2.3 times as broad as long and 1.2-1.25 times broader than mesoscutum; POL 1.3 OOL but 0.94 in species from Oreopsyche vesobiellae. OOL 2.4-2.6 times OD. The temples are o.5 times apparent length of eyes. In frontal view the clypeus is slightly emarginate. Mouth 1.8 times malar space, the latter 0.6-0.7 length of eye. The lower edge of the toruli is placed in the middle of the face: is 0.9-1.0 length of upper face; the scape is as long as upper face and 0.9 length of eye; pedicellus plus flagellum 1.3 times breadth of head, pedicellus 1.3-1.4 times as long as broad; F1 1.6-1.9 times as long as broad, the following segments relatively shorter but still longer than broad: F6 1.2-1.5 times longer than broad.
Mesosoma 1.6 times as broad as long; pronotum 0.15-0.2 length of mesoscutum; scutellum 1.15-1.3 times as long as broad; median area 1.5-1.6 times broader than long, length of costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:46:55:35, basal cell bare, basal vein with 2-3 setae.
The metasoma of the holotype is 1.8 times longer than broad and 1.4 times longer than mesosoma.

Male unknown

Biology.- Reared from (possibly an adult of) Oreopsyche vesubiellae (Millière) (Lepidoptera, Psychidae)

Distribution.- France, Spain