Pteromalus costulata

Pteromalus costulata Gijswijt, 1999

Material.- Holotype f (RMNH), “ESPANA/prov. Almería/GERGAL/M.J. Gijswijt” “/Tryp. gall on/Helichrysium/serotinum/16-26.v.1990”. Paratypes (MJG, RMNH, ZMA): 5 ff same data as holotype; 3 ff “ESPAÑA/prov. Málaga/M.J. Gijswijt” “EL CHORRO/25 km SW ANTEQUERRA/on Senecio linifolia/16.v.1994”; 1 f “ESPAÑA/prov. Málaga/M.J. Gijswijt” “Casares/”; 1 f “ESPAÑA-Mál./VÉLEZ MÁLAGA/7.v.1994” 1 f “ESPAÑA-Mál./RONDA/29.v.1994/M.J. Gijswijt” 1 f “ESPANA/prov. Almería/M.J. Gijswijt” “MOJACAR/12.iv.1990”; 2 ff same data but 13.iv.1990; 1 f same data but 14.iv.1990; 2 ff “ESPANA/prov. Almería/M.J. Gijswijt” “SAN JOSÉ/25.iv.1990”; 1 f “ESPANA/prov. Almería/M.J. Gijswijt” “CARBONERAS/22.iv.1990”; 1 f “ESPANA/prov. Granada/M.J. Gijswijt” “TORROX/4.v.1990”; 1 f “ESPANA/prov. Granada/M.J. Gijswijt” “GRANADA/Sa Nevada 1200 m/8.v.1990”; 1 f “ESPANA Valencia/MORAIRA/16-30.v.1981/B. van Aartsen”; 1 f ESPANA/Cuenca/M.J. Gijswijt” “Contreras/along rio Cabriel/22-26.v.1987”; 1 f “ESPANA/prov. Soria/M.J. Gijswijt” “15km S EL/BURGO DE OSMA/3.vii.1990/on Card. crispus”; 2 ff “PORTUGAL/A. Alentego/M.J. Gijswijt” “PORTALEGRE 700 m/Sa. de Mamede/22.v.1990”; 2 ff “FRANCE/Drôme/M.J. Gijswijt” “SÉDERON/Col de l’homme mort/15.viii.1988” 1 f “ELLAS Pelopon./prov. Argolida/M.J. Gijswijt” “MIKINES/21.iv.1989”; 1 f “ELLAS Ipiros/prov. Joanina/M.J. Gijswijt” “PAPINGO40 km/NNW Joanina/800 m meadow/”; 1 f “ELLAS/Kriti/M.J. Gijswijt” “Anogia/25.iv.1978”.

Description of female.-
Morphology: in dorsal view the head is 1.9-2.2 times as broad as long and 1.1-1.2 times broader than mesoscutum; POL 1.2-1.4 times OOL, OOL 2.1-2.5 times OD; temples 0.2-0.3 length of eye. In frontal view the mouth is 2.2-2.7 times broader than length of malar space, the latter half as long as an eye; lower face 0.8 times shorter than upper face, scape 4.9-5.8 times as long as broad, its length 0.8 times length of upper face and just reaching median ocellus. Pedicellus plus flagellum 0.8-0.9 times as long as breadth of head; pedicellus 1.3-1.45 times longer than broad, F1 1.2-1.3 times longer than broad, longer and broader than pedicellus, F2 quadrate or nearly so, F6 transverse.
Mesosoma 1.4-1.5 times broader than long; length ofpronotum 0.2 times length of mesoscutum, front margin not carinate; scutellum 1.1 times longer than broad; median area of propodeum (fig. )1.7-2.1 times broader than long, with a strong costula and only some diverging keels on the further shiny area, nucha nearly half as long as propodeum; hind femur 3.7-3.9 times longer than broad. Forewing 2-2.2 times longer than broad, hairrow on underside of costal cell interrupted rarely complete, basal cell and basal vein bare, costal cell:M:PM:ST=100:44:48:36.
Gaster 1.9-2.3 times longer than broad, last tergite about as long as broad at base.
Colour: dark with coppery reflections, antennae dark with scape testaceous at base, rarely wholly dark testaceous. Coxae and femora dark green, tibiae brown, testaceous apically, first two or three tarsal segments testaceous, last segments brown. Wings hyaline, veins testaceous, stigma brown.
Length 2.8-3 mm.

Distribution.- France, Spain, Portugal.
Biology.- Reared from tephritid galls on Helichrysium serotinum.

Comments.- This species looks like P. intermedius but differs in its shorter pronotum, that is not sharply marginate, the shorter gaster, that rarely is longer than twice its breadth and the sharp costula on the propodeum.