Pteromalus albipennis

Pteromalus albipennis (Walker)

P. albipennis is een complex van soorten. Enkelen zijn beschreven door Janzon in 1972.
(P. achillei, annae, arnicae, pilosellae, sonchi)

Female: (redescription after Graham, 1969)
- Head in dorsal view 1.0-1.1 times as broad as mesoscutum, 2.15-2.25 times as broad as long; temples about one third as long as eyes, moderately convergent; POL 1.5-1.7 OOL. In frontal view the genae are slightly buccate; eyes about 1.5 times as long as broad, separated by 1.4-1.5 times their length. Malar space about half length of eye. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly emarginate. Head finely reticulate, especially on temples and genae. Clypeus radiately strigose, the striae extending a little way up the genae and face. Antennae inserted well above level of ventral edge of eyes; scape three quarters as long as an eye, reaching about level with middle of median ocellus; combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly less than breadth of head; pedicellus (in profile) about 1.7 times as long as broad, somewhat shorter than or as long as F1, slightly longer in small females; funicle slightly stouter than pedicellus, cylindrical, very weakly clavate in the smallest specimens, F11.1-1.6 times as long as broad, F6 quadrate to slightly transverse, sometimes also F4 and F5 are quadrate, clava 1.8-2.3 times as long as broad, slightly longer than F5+F6; sensilla numerous, usually in two, sometimes irregular, rows on each segment, sometimes only one row on the distal segments or, in very small specimens, on all segments; hairs of flagellum mostly subdecumbent.
Mesosoma about 1.4 times as long as broad. Pronotal collar somewhat less wide than mesoscutum, appearing hardly longer at the sides than in the middle, nearly horizontal, its front edge abrupt or weakly irregularly margined in the middle, one seventh to one sixth as long as mesoscutum, somewhat more coarsely reticulate than the front part of the latter. Mesoscutum 1.5-1.65 times as broad as long, rather dull, very finely reticulate, slightly more coarsely in the middle posteriorly. Scutellum about as broad as long, very finely reticulate, slightly more coarsely on frenum. Inner angles of axillae with rather coarser reticulation than that on scutellum. Propodeum about one third as long as scutellum or slightly more, sloping at an angle of about 45°, median area 2-2.6 times as broad as long, its panels somewhat shiny, irregularly sculptured, partly finely reticulate, with some carinulae or wrinkles, with some longitudinal carinulae at base; median carina complete and sharp, slightly raised basally though not dentiform; there is a large oval fovea on each side of the median area, touching the base of propodeum; costula more or less indicated, usually represented by a slightly raised reticulate ridge, but rarely at all sharp, nucha about one third length of propodeum, separated from the median area by a deep and longitudinally costate furrow, the nucha with very fine reticulation, whose areoles are broader than long; plicae anteriorly nearly parallel and forming convex elevations just outside the basal foveae, posteriorly sharp and extending along the sides of the nucha to its hind edge, the part on the sides of the nucha converging strongly towards the median line; callus lightly and finely reticulate; spiracles large, nearly linear, touching or almost touching the metanotum; spiracular sulci distinctly impressed, punctate or with some transverse costulae. Prepectus narrow, very weakly sculptured and shiny, with an impression along its front border. Mesepisternum finely reticulate, with a mainly to wholly smooth area below the base of the hind wing; mesepimeron finely reticulate; metapleuron rather more finely reticulate than mesepimeron. Legs rather short, femora relatively stout.
Forewing with upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with a row of widely spaced hairs, which is interrupted in or before the middle, often widely; basal vein bare or virtually so; speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending below M for more than half the length of the latter, or even as far as ST; wing beyond speculum with its pilosity not dense, the area between PM and ST partly bare; M 1.35-1.6 ST, PM usually a little shorter than M, ST slightly curved, forming an angle of 40°-45° with PM; stigma small, obliquely nearly oval.
Metasoma lanceolate, 1.1-1.3 times as long as head plus mesosoma, slightly to distinctly narrower than mesosoma, acute and sometimes slightly acuminate apically, 2.2-3 times as long as broad; hind margin of basal tergite not or very weakly emarginate medially; last tergite from as long as to slightly longer than its basal breadth, its front third to half bare; hypopygium extending to halfway along metasoma; ovipositor sheaths projecting slightly.

Male.- Antennal scape often wholly dark, rarely with more than its proximal half testaceous, reaching about to level of middle of median ocellus. Gaster immaculate.
Its structure much like that of female, but with propodeum somewhat longer, its median area less transverse; antennae and metasoma different. Antennae with combined length of pedicellus and flagellum slightly greater than breadth of head; flagellum not slender, distinctly stouter then pedicellus when the latter is seen in dorsal view; pedicellus about 1.5 times as long as broad, F1 from slightly longer than, to about 1.5 times as long as pedicellus, 1.25-1.6 times as long as broad, F6 quadrate or slightly longer than broad. Row of hairs on lower surface of costal cell complete or somewhat interrupted.