Pteromalus aartseni

Pteromalus aartseni (Gijswijt, 1972)

Female.- Head and mesonotum dark green, with bronzy reflections, clypeus and propodeum sometimes more bluish, antennae brown, scape fuscous basally. Coxae bluish, femora dark, apically fuscous, hind femora metallic; tibiae fuscous, mid and hind tibiae apically whitish. Front tarsi fuscous, mid and hind tarsi darkening distally from light yellow to dark brown. Metanotum dark, in dorsal view first segment in front bluish green, remainder part and other segments dark bronzy, sometimes purplish.
Head in frontal view nearly 1.3 times as broad as high; malar space somewhat more than o.4 times as long as eyes. Clypeus with anterior margin moderately emarginated, strigose, striae extending on face around clypeus. Reticulation on face and frons regularly rounded. Antennal toruli aequidistant from clypeus and frontal ocellus; scapus reaching lower edge of median ocellus, length about o.8 eye length. Length of funicle plus pedicellus 0.9 times breadth of head, pedicellus 2/3 of F1 which is 2/3 as broad as long. Funicle segments not broadening distally, clava somewhat broader and nearly as long as two preceding segments.
Head in dorsal view twice as broad as long and broader than mesoscutum (at most 1.10). POL:OOL = 1.2-1.25, distance between frontal and lateral ocellus as long as diameter of frontal ocellus.
Length of pronotum medially 1/6 of that of mesoscutum, without sharp margin; sculpture in front coarse, tending to give appearance to some rugae, hind margin smooth.
Mesoscutum distinctly broader than pronotum, 1.6-1.7 times as broad as long. Reticulation in front distinctly finer than on hind part. Scutellum as long as broad. Reticulation like that on nearby parts of mesoscutum and axillae, a finely reticulated stripe indicates frenal groove.
Propodeum medially half as long as scutellum, with one or two keels between frontal margin and costula, and some distinct keels between costula and nucha. Spaces between keels nearly smooth; in one paratype the space between costula and frontal margin finely reticulated on 2/2 of surface. Median area 0.5-0.6 times as long as broad. Carina media frontally distinctly elevated above level of propodeum, behind conjunction with costula nearly vertically sloping towards nucha.
Plicae strongly converging. Nucha occupying a little more than 1/3 of propodeum, with fine transverse reticulation. Spiraculi oval, nearly twice as long as broad. Callus alutaceous, moderately pilose.
Prepectus smooth, with large hollow at front margin and straight superior margin. Margins of side lobes of mesoscutum sharp and clearly distinguishable from prepectus.
Forewing 2.3 times as long as broad; costal cell bare on upper surface, lower surface with complete row of hairs, with some additional hairs in distal third. Basal cell bare, open below; basal vein with at most one hair on upper surface, lower surface with some hairs. Speculum open below, on upper surface of wing extending till one third of marginal vein, hairs on lower surface reaching submarginal vein. Marginal vein as long as postmarginal or a little shorter and 1.7-1.7 times as long as stigmal. Stigma small.
Metasoma 2.9-3.2 times as long as broad, 1.2-1.4 times longer than head plus mesosoma, distinctly narrower than mesosoma (0.7-0.8), slender and sharply acuminated. Basal tergite occupying somewhat more than 1/5 of total length; hind margins of first three tergites distinctly curved backwards; last tergite 1.4 times longer than basally broad.
Ovipositor sheaths exserted.
Length 3.7-4.8 mm.
Male unknown.
Biology: reared by Mr. B. van Aartsen as a parasites of Trypeta onotrophes Loew.
Type locality: Holland, Gortel (prov. of Gelderland)
Holotype: female 22.v.1966, paratypes: 1 f 22.v.1966, 2 ff May 1966.