Pteromalus patro

Pteromalus Patro Walker, 1848: 125, 195
Female.- Differs from that of albipennis as follows: metasoma on the average slightly longer, 3.2-3.5 times as long as broad, 1.25-1.3 times as long as head plus mesosoma, rather more compressed. Venation more fulvous in colour.
Male.- Differs from that of albipennis as follows: metasoma with a yellowish subbasal spot. Antennal scape scape reaching level of vertex, entirely testaceous or darkened only distally; flagellum testaceous, somewhat brownish dorsally, the segments brownish at their bases. Pronotal collar margined in the middle, the front edge sometimes strongly raised.
Length 2.3-2.8 mm.
Biology.- reared from Orellia winthemi (Mg.) on Carduus crispus.